Our Story

Mozzy was adopted in the summer of 2021, brought up from Mississippi by Sweet Paws Rescue in New England. He was a four month old puppy full of love and excitement for life and, as a part of city living, the dreaded sidewalk snack. Mozzy had a ruff tummy as a puppy and it was concerning. Even on ‘the best’ kibble he would have great first morning poos and then puddles by the end of the day. Graphic, but an important part of our story. After a long standing bout with Giardia, Mozzy’s gut was in need of rehabilitation.

After Mozzy’s first year of life and not ‘growing out of’ his terrible tummy, as Mozzy’s mom, I took to making whole foods for Mozzy. Mozzy is on half homemade, vet approved, food and half kibble.

His overall health is amazingly better!

Mozzy has grown and been involved with positive reinforcement training to work on his skillz - this requires lots of treats! After finding a lot of processed and exotic ‘jerky’ options at the stores, I decided to make our own!

And Mozzy Munch was born! I wanted to make healthy and accessible treat options while not creating a mountain of plastic bags each month. Mozzy Munch has glass branded air tight jars and the option to reorder refills in compostable packaging.

Test your pup’s love of Mozzy Munch today!